
The ring-station is under attack by a relentless swarm of "space urchins." As the station's automated defense AI, it’s your duty to fend off these spiky aliens. However, a technical malfunction has compromised your multitasking capabilities, forcing you to cycle between different roles at regular intervals. How long can you protect the station?


The game is split into 3 phases:

  • The build phase
    • Spend resources on buildings such as turrets to lure & defeat enemies
    • Place upgrades to improve your stats (make sure to keep these defended - if an enemy destroys the upgrade building you loose the upgrade)
    • Scan for asteroids by right-clicking. You'll be told how close your cursor was to an asteroid. If you hit an asteroid it's location will be revealed.
  • The gather phase
    • Control the mining ship and mine asteroids to produce resources
    • Deliver the resources to the station
    • Right-click to see how far away the nearest asteroid is from the ship. If you move close enough the asteroid will be revealed.
  • The combat phase
    • Destroy the enemies! Left-click to fire


  • Every time you fully mine an asteroid a new one will spawn - but it won't be visible until you scan it.
  • The enemies are dumb and will target the nearest building - so building decoys can be useful to divert their attention from more valuable targets
  • It's easier to scan for asteroids in the build phase since you can use the mouse cursor.
  • Playing in fullscreen is recommended.


Source code available here

Note that the MacOS build is untested. Let me know if you run into issues.


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Version v1.0.0 51 days ago
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Version v1.0.0 51 days ago
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Version v1.0.0 51 days ago

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